Style Appraoch as a perspective of Leadership Approach
S tyle Leadership theory does not focus on who leaders are, but rather on what they do. It focuses on task and relationship behaviors (Burkus 2015). Although trait and skill theories have ideas that can be intertwined and can be compared to one another, style leadership theory differs quite drastically. Instead of focusing on who leaders are or what qualities they possess, were born with, or skills they acquired, Style Leadership instead focuses on what they actually do/did. Style Leadership refers to behavior and action tendencies held by the leader that led to their individual style of leadership and how it impacted their environments. Style Leadership focus on 2 main types of behaviors, 1) Task Behavior 2) Relationship behavior. Style theory refers to three main theories or styles of leadership. These studies are known as… The Ohio State University Studies The Michigan University Studies The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid. In 1945, a group...